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San Jose Water employee checking water outlet

Learn More about PFAS and its Family of Compounds

We want you to be informed about your drinking water quality. 美国环境保护署(EPA)最近制定了PFAS系列化合物的标准,您应该了解这些标准.

PFAS and You: an infographic (click to zoom in)
What are PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances)?

PFAS是一种人造化学品,广泛用于工业和消费品,从防水纺织品到消防泡沫. 这些化学物质会随着时间积累,在环境和人体中都有发现. 它们在环境或人体中不易分解,有时被称为“永远的化学物质”。. PFAS, including PFHxS, 已经在空气中发现了痕量吗, soil, sediment, and precipitation, as well as in rivers, lakes, seas, and groundwater.

What are the current drinking water standards?

On April 10, 2024, EPA announced and established the first-ever nationwide, 法律上可执行的饮用水标准,以保护社区的饮用水不受PFAS的影响.

EPA最终确定了国家初级饮用水法规(NPDWR),建立了法律上可执行的水平, called Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), for six PFAS in drinking water. PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS, PFNA, and HFPO-DA as contaminants with individual MCLs, and PFAS mixtures containing at least two or more of PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA, 以及PFBS,使用危害指数MCL来解释饮用水中这些PFAS的综合和共同水平. EPA also finalized health-based, 这些PFAS的不可强制执行的最大污染物水平目标(mclg). 

The final rule requires:

  • 公共供水系统必须监测这些PFAS,并有三年时间完成初步监测(到2027年)。, followed by ongoing compliance monitoring. 从2027年开始,供水系统还必须向公众提供饮用水中这些PFAS含量的信息.
  • 如果监测显示饮用水水平超过这些最小限值,公共供水系统有五年时间(到2029年)实施减少PFAS的解决方案.
  • Beginning in five years (2029), 饮用水中含有PFAS的公共供水系统违反了这些mcl中的一个或多个,必须采取行动降低饮用水中PFAS的水平,并必须向公众通报违规情况. 
What levels of PFAS have been found in our water? 

As part of our rigorous water quality testing protocols, DG真人游戏务公司(SJW)一直在主动测试服务区域内所有活动井,以确定PFAS对系统的影响. Since 2019, we’ve collected over 16,000 samples for PFAS. PFAS测试结果可在平台登录的消费者信心报告中找到 cargraphicsuk.com/ccr.

How can PFAS affect my health?

一些科学研究表明,某些PFAS可能会影响身体的不同系统. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National Center for Environmental Health Registry (ATSDR)正在与各合作伙伴合作,以更好地了解接触全氟化砷可能如何影响人们的健康,特别是接触水和食物中的全氟化砷可能如何有害. 

What is SJW doing to address PFAS? 

In response to data gathered during our monitoring program, SJW已经成功完成了对两个受影响最严重的井田的PFAS处理方法的评估. 这些研究考察了从饮用水中去除PFHxS的所有治疗方案, including activated carbon, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and nanofiltration. With the information gained from this study, SJW began designing our first treatment facility in Spring 2023. 该设计预计将于2024年底完成,预计将在不久的将来开始施工.

Can home filters remove PFAS from my drinking water?

市场上有几种治疗方法. 这些包括过滤筒、水槽下过滤器和反渗透装置. 国家卫生基金会认证了减少饮用水中PFAS的滤水器. 在寻找使用点过滤器或家庭处理系统时,请查看 National Sanitation Foundation website to make sure it is certified to remove these contaminants. 

What is being done about cleanup of the groundwater supply? 

SJW和Valley Water一直在与旧金山湾地区水质控制委员会的工程师和地质学家密切合作,以确定该地区可能造成PFAS污染的地点. 一旦查明,将开始进一步深入研究并最终清理这些地点. 

Should I be drinking the water? 

重要的是你要知道,你的水继续符合所有州和联邦饮用水标准. 全国各地的研究人员都在努力了解更多关于PFAS(及其污染物家族)及其对人类和环境的影响, as well as how to remove it from drinking water. 

Where can I get tested to see if I have PFAS in my body? 


PFAS images ingestion routes
How can I reduce my exposure to PFAS?  

PFAS在一些食品和环境(空气、水、土壤等)中含量较低.),这意味着很难完全避免PFAS暴露. However, if you live near known sources of PFAS contamination, you can take steps to reduce your risk of exposure.  

  • 查阅钓鱼水域的污染物公告:
    • 遵循有关停止或限制食用来自受PFAS或其他化合物污染水域的鱼的建议. 
  • Read consumer product labels and avoid using those with PFAS.  
  • 一些家庭处理设备,如碳过滤器,可以进一步改善自来水的质量. 在寻找使用点过滤器或家庭处理系统时,一个很好的资源是 National Sanitation Foundation website to make sure it is certified to remove these contaminants.
Should I drink bottled water to avoid PFAS?

瓶装水制造商不受与饮用水公司相同的测试要求的约束. 请直接与瓶装水生产商联系,了解有关PFAS的任何问题.

How do I know if the water I drink has PFAS in it? 


Where can I find more information on PFAS?

*Source for some included content: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/pfas/resources/pfas-faqs.html





